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15 Nov 2012

Accused Rapist, Left Phone Number With Alleged Victim

Police in Washington, D.C., say that a man believed to have committed two violent sexual assaults left his and phone number with one of the alleged victims.

Authorities arrested and charged DeMarco Myles with assault with intent to kill, first-degree sexual abuse and assault with intent to commit first-degree sexual abuse in conjunction with two separate instances.

In this first incident, a female victim was stabbed, punched and kicked in the face, head, back and legs, and left bloodied and unconscious on the floor, the Washington Post reported.

In the second incident, the Myles allegedly raped a Howard University student in her dorm room on Nov. 2. The suspect reportedly pinned his victim to her bed with his leg and wrote down his name -- "Marco" -- and phone number with the message: "Since you don’t know me, here’s my number b—,’” according to court documents obtained by ABC News.

The victim said she didn't need the number so he crossed it out with a marker, but there were still enough details that officials connected the note to Myles' mother. That evidence, combined with surveillance video taken from the apartment entrance at the first attack, allowed police to track down Myles.

It was a lucky break for investigators, according to Cathy Lanier, chief of the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia.

“Had we not located him, it is our belief that he would have continued to attack women,” she told ABC News.

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