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18 Nov 2012

"Anonymous" Hacks Israel, Declares 'All Your Base Are Belong To Us'

As the conflict in Gaza escalated this week, hacker group Anonymous launched a series of attacks on websites owned by the Israeli military, government and other institutions within Israel.

Dubbed "OpIsrael," the mass disruption began early Thursday with hundreds of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, in which websites are flooded with traffic until they crash.

Since then, the scope of attacks has widened to include the deletion of government and financial databases, and the posting of more than 2,000 email addresses and passwords from an Israeli real estate website.

A series of tweets from @YourAnonNews, a Twitter account associated with the hacktivist group, claimed that databases belonging to Bank Jerusalem and the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs had been deleted. Echoing a famous meme originated from the video game "Zero Wing," the account declared Friday:

Source: Huffingtonpost

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