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16 Nov 2012

Exposing MTN’s Corporate Ultimate Wonder Promo Scam

Barely few days after the NCC placed a ban on promos by telecom networks, MTN Nigeria was quick to announce the winner of their Ultimate Wonder Promo which saw one miss Ebube Essien-Garricks emerging as the winner of the promo as reported by Punch.

Facebook says Ebube doesn't exist, but she's got a fanPage to celebrate her victory.

To fulfill all righteousness and kill-off our suspicion of fraud, we did a random search of Ebube Essien-Garricks on Facebook; the world largest social media with over 1billion users. To our greatest shock, Ebube was no where to be found. At her age as MTN claims, 27 and a student of Uniport, we can argue till eternity that she must be on Facebook. Unfortunately, MTN Nigeria has become victims of their own fraud and manipulation as they forgot to create a profile for her.

Maybe they thought of it, but were convinced that Nigerians will eat whatever they say as they have been doing for over 10-years. Although, the other argument is that, it would have been more obvious, had MTN created a profile for Ebube as her timeline would indicate it was created only a few days ago.

Eitherway, we do not see how any business organization would give out N64 million for fun when it still has areas of lack. We are highly disappointed at the NCC. A proper investigation committee should be immediately set-up to verify the data of the said girl. Her institution where MTN claims she studies should also be thoroughly investigated. Her place of birth, schools attended and where Ebube performs her religion rights must also be investigated.

Source: Punch Nigeria

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  1. i don't buy this idea, some people are actually not on facebook, at least i have few peeps like that.
    -S.I.M blog

    1. I totally agree with you, but the question is this.........if she is not on facebook, how come she have a fan page to celebrate her victory?
