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9 Nov 2012

Prostitute beats man till he faints for impregnating her

Two self-confessed prostitutes who beat up a patron at a bar for asking for his change after buying one of them beer, were jailed one month each.

Nyasha Magadu (24) and her friend Netsai Vengesai (27), both of St Mary’s, had admitted to one count of assault and denied the other of theft.

The presiding magistrate Ms Rumbidzai Mugwagwa sentenced them to perform community service but was forced to alter it to custodial sentence after they had defaulted in a previous case. Ms Mugwagwa slapped each with a three-month jail term but suspended two months on condition of good behaviour.

Earlier on, Ms Mugwagwa said the two were not proper candidates for community service since Vengesai failed to provide the court with her residential address. The pair was acquitted on the theft charge.

Prosecutor Mr Felix Tavengwa proved that on August 23 at midnight, Smart Muzenda of the same suburb was at Coldaz Sports Bar at Huruyadzo Shops in St Mary’s drinking beer when he met the two. Magadu approached and asked him to buy her a pint of beer.

Muzenda took out a US$20 note and handed it to Magadu before she proceeded to Two Stars Night Club where she bought the beer.

Afterwards, she started drinking with her friend Vengesai and never returned to where Muzenda was. He followed them to the club and demanded his change but she refused to hand it. She started accusing him of neglecting her after impregnating her.

Magadu and Vengesai rushed to board a taxi and Muzenda followed them. The pair disembarked armed with beer bottles before they started assaulting him. They stopped after Muzenda became unconscious. Muzenda sustained head injuries and a deep cut on the cheek.

- My Zimbabwe

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